Дискография группы

Дискография группы Rage

Avenger, Prayers of Steel, 1985

Rage, Reign of Fear, 1986

Rage, Execution Guaranteed, 1987

Rage, Perfect Man, 1988

Avenger, Prayers of Steel, 1985 г.

Reign of Fear, 1986 г.

Execution Guaranteed, 1987 г.

Perfect Man, 1988 г.

Rage, Secrets in a Weird World, 1989

Rage, Reflections of a Shadow, 1990

Rage, Trapped! 1992

Rage, The Missing Link, 1993

Secrets in a Weird World, 1989 г.

Reflections of a Shadow, 1990 г.

Trapped! 1992 г.

The Missing Link, 1993 г.

Rage, 10 Years in Rage, 1994

Rage, Black in Mind, 1995

Rage, Lingua Mortis, 1996

Rage, End of All Days, 1996

10 Years in Rage, 1994 г.

Black in Mind, 1995 г.

Lingua Mortis, 1996 г.

End of All Days, 1996 г.

Rage, XIII, 1998

Rage, Ghosts, 1999

Rage, Welcome to the Other Side, 2001

Rage, Unity, 2002

XIII, 1998 г.

Ghosts, 1999 г.

Welcome to the Other Side, 2001 г.

Unity, 2002 г.

Rage, Soundchaser, 2003

Rage, Speak of the Dead, 2006

Rage, Carved in Stone, 2008

Rage, Strings to a Web, 2010

Soundchaser, 2003 г.

Speak of the Dead, 2006 г.

Carved in Stone, 2008 г.

Strings to a Web, 2010 г.

Rage, 21, 2012

Rage, LMO, 2013

Rage, The Devil Strikes Again, 2016

Rage, Seasons of the Black, 2017

21, 2012 г.

LMO, 2013 г.

The Devil Strikes Again, 2016 г.

Seasons of the Black, 2017 г.


Avenger, Depraved to Black, 1985

Rage, Invisible Horizons, 1989

Rage, Extended Power, 1991

Rage, Beyond the Wall, 1992

Avenger, Depraved to Black, 1985 г.

Invisible Horizons, 1989 г.

Extended Power, 1991 г.

Beyond the Wall, 1992 г.

Rage, The Missing Link, 1993

Rage, In Vain ~ Rage in Acoustic, 1998

Rage, Gib Dich Nie Auf / Never Give Up, 2009

Rage, My Way, 2016

The Missing Link, 1993 г.

In Vain ~ Rage in Acoustic, 1998 г.

Gib Dich Nie Auf / Never Give Up, 2009 г.

My Way, 2016 г.


Rage, Power of Metal, 1994

Rage, From the Cradle to the Stage, 2004

Rage, Full Moon in St. Petersburg, 2007

Rage, Live in Tokyo, 2012

Power of Metal (сплит-альбом с другими группами, запись 1993 г.), 1994 г.

From the Cradle to the Stage, 2004 г. (запись 2004 г.)

Full Moon in St. Petersburg, 2007 г. (запись 2016 г.)

Live in Tokyo (вторая часть альбома, запись 2010 г.), 2012 г.


Rage, The Best from the Noise Years, 1998

Rage, Best of ~ All G.U.N. Years, 2001

Rage, Best of, 2009

Rage, The Soundchaser Archives, 2014

The Best from the Noise Years, 1998 г.

Best of ~ All G.U.N. Years, 2001 г.

Best of, 2009 г. (Украина)

The Soundchaser Archives, 2014 г.

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Вернуться в ИНТЕРВЬЮ С МУЗЫКАНТАМИ "RAGE" (2018 г.)

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